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When you need True Red Mad Micas has the answer!

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True Red is the ever elusive color every soapmaker seeks. So many of us have blended micas, prayed for luck only to find we have too much orange or the base has weakened it to a pink but not a red. Until Mad Micas put their heads together and created The True Red Set


Yes it really can be that red! They found a blend of 3 of their top micas that when mixed evenly together gave them a glorious red that we all have sought to find in a mica for soap. When you choose this set you will get 3 containers of mica and you simply blend them equally making sure to mix totally. What I chose to do since I wanted this set solely for the red was found a large container and put each mica into the larger container as one. I did alternate the colors as I poured them into the container and used a whisk and a pestle to ensure they were blended well throughout. Once they were all in one I then put on the lid and shook the container for about 5 minutes, making sure it blended completely.

Then the fun began!! I decided to test it in my soap Call Me Sir and it would be tested in a black base HP soap. Man did it ever pass that test!!

No bleeding into either the black or the white, no fade, no morphing!! If you are looking for a true red look no further!!

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